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Books - Inspirational Reads for Personal Growth

Handpicked book recomandation at VeilThru, each offering unique insights and wisdom on personal transformation, philosophy, and the journey to self-awareness.

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Plato's Metaphysics - Essential Reads


"Plato's Metaphysics" by Charles H. Kahn

Focusing specifically on Plato’s metaphysical views, this book provides an in-depth exploration of Platonic ideals, forms, and his contributions to metaphysical thought. Kahn's work is both accessible to beginners and insightful for those more familiar with Platonic philosophy.

"Plato: Complete Works" edited by John M. Cooper

This comprehensive collection includes all of Plato's known works, from "The Republic" to "Symposium," and is essential for anyone interested in Platonic philosophy. It offers a complete view of his thoughts on metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology.

"The Cambridge Companion to Plato" edited by Richard Kraut

A collection of essays by leading scholars, this book offers accessible yet thorough analyses of Plato's philosophical ideas, including his metaphysical concepts. It's an excellent resource for understanding the context and continuing influence of Plato's work.

The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant.

- Plato

Hegel's Complex Philosophy - Key Texts

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, porträtiert von Jakob Schlesinger, 1831

Picture: Jakob Schlesinger – anagoria, Gemeinfrei,

"Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit" by G.W.F. Hegel, translated by A.V. Miller

This is one of Hegel's most important works, where he introduces his philosophical system of dialectical idealism. It's a fundamental text for understanding Hegel's thoughts on metaphysics and the evolution of consciousness.

"Hegel: A Very Short Introduction" by Peter Singer

Singer's book is an excellent starting point for those new to Hegel. It provides a clear and concise overview of Hegel's complex ideas, making them more accessible to a general audience.

"Hegel's Logic: Being Part One of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences" translated by William Wallace

This book presents Hegel's 'Science of Logic', a critical piece for understanding his approach to metaphysics. It's a challenging yet rewarding read for those interested in delving deeper into Hegelian philosophy.

The world is spirit

- Hegel

Nihilism - Essential Reads on Nietzsche's Philosophy

Nietzsche - Von Friedrich Hermann Hartmann

Picture: Friedrich Hermann Hartmann –, Gemeinfrei,

"Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche

Perhaps Nietzsche’s most famous work, this philosophical novel features profound ideas, delivered through the character Zarathustra. It explores themes like the death of God, the will to power, and the concept of the Übermensch (Overman or Superman).

"Beyond Good and Evil" by Friedrich Nietzsche

This book is a critical response to traditional notions of morality. Nietzsche examines and critiques the foundations of morality, advocating for a reevaluation of moral values beyond the dichotomies of good and evil.

"The Birth of Tragedy" by Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche's first major work, it introduces his ideas on aesthetics, particularly the contrast between Apollonian and Dionysian artistic spirits. It's crucial for understanding his later critiques of culture and society.

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

- Friedrich Nietzsche

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